Ideas for Lightweight Format

1. Character Color Palettes



  1. Pick a character from a piece of media that you enjoy
  2. Identify 4-6 colors that best represent the character - this can be from an aesthetic perspective or highlighting the most important colors to them!
  3. Create the color palette using this link!

2. First and Last Songs



  1. Each day, when you listen to your first song, record its title
  2. Before you go to bed, record the title of the last song you listened to that day
  3. This will create song diary of sorts that you can reflect on!

3. Samples of Things I've Read



  1. Whenever you read a new piece of writing (at least a page long, social media posts don't count), choose a passage that you enjoy from it
  2. Record the passage here so you can track your reading later!
  3. Feel free to do the same reading multiple times if you read it on separate occasions.